La vida de John Katui.

No os perdáis este video realizado por John Katui, uno de nuestros chicos graduados de Nyumbani Village. La pasión de John ha sido siempre la fotografía, el video, y la comunicación! Aquí nos cuenta su vida, su experiencia, y sus esfuerzos por conseguir sus sueños. En este video, John comparte como Nyumbani se esta tomando muy en serio todas las medidas de prevención y seguridad frente al COVID19. Ahora mismo, todos estos gestos tan simples y rutinarios pueden frenar una expansión del virus que en estas latitudes podría tener consecuencias dramáticas.’

“My name is John Katui. I am the first born in a family of four. I was born August 16,1992 in the village of Miambani, Kenya and raised in a rural area where life was very challenging and uncertain. My family’s difficulties rose from the high poverty level we lived in, having my mother as the sole breadwinner in the family and then she met an untimely death in 2002. I was ten years old at the time and her oldest child.

We had no grandparents to help so we were left in the hands of the world. I dropped out of school in order to take care of my siblings. I lost hope in life. God showed mercy on us. My family was found by Nyumbani Village Social Workers in 2006. I owe much thanks to those responsible for bringing my family to Nyumbani Village… especially Sister Mary Owens and the dedicated staff of the village.

My passionate in photography started when I was young, just after my mom passed away. I chose to become a photographer so that I can share my feeling and the hard times that I faced, continuing to struggle to this day. Photography and film making is what I believe my future will be. With the help of many, I believe I can reach this goal, be happy and self-sustaining. My purpose is to give hope to other people in the world, who have no future like me, through my knowledge, skills, and artistic endeavors.

This year 2020 January, with the help of Nyumbani Village and a friend from America, I joined the Africa Digital Media Institution in Nairobi. I received my certificate in video production just one month ago. Through my work, I plan to help my dear brothers and sisters back at home and tell the whole world about the Covid19 as seen through my eyes in Kenya”